
How To Open Window Safety Lock


Moving into a new place, losing your keys, enhancing your security or just wanting to feel safer are very practiced reasons for replacing the locks in your dwelling house. Of form, yous could telephone call a locksmith, merely the chore is simple plenty to do the job yourself without paying for a pro. Rekeying your locks is some other option, just that would require a locksmith if you desire to make sure the job is done right.

Prior to replacing the locks in your home, it's a good idea to do some research to find the correct kind of locksets for your needs. Accept a photo of the existing lockset on the door, and then show the photo to the clerks at the hardware store. Someone should be able to recommend a lockset based on your needs. After that, all you need is a Phillips screwdriver to become the job done. Here's a step-by-pace guide on how to supersede the locks in your domicile.

Remove the Lockset You Desire to Replace

This is the trickiest role of this chore, especially if you don't have any prior experience replacing locks. To remove the old lockset, look for either a screw on the cover plate or a slot on the side of the handle on the interior door lock. Removing the screw on the cover will loosen the knob and the cover plate. If the doorknob has a small slot on the side instead, apply a wire tool to press down on the metallic inside the slot. The knob and the cover plate should pop out when you lot press on the metal inside the slot properly.

Disassemble the Residuum of the Former Lockset

Using a Phillips screwdriver, disassemble the rest of the old lockset. Pay attention to the order of removal for each part of the lock. You may have to remove another plate beneath the cover plate, the latch plate (or tongue plate) and the latch (or tongue) itself.

Install the New Latch

Start with the latch plate that came with your new lockset. The holes on the new plate should align with the holes for the old plate. Use the new screws that came with your lockset. Next, install the latch, making sure it's properly oriented with the apartment side facing the inside of the door and the tapered side facing exterior. If possible, use a power drill to lock the latch firmly into identify.

Assemble the Balance of the Lockset

Reassemble the new lockset in opposite order of how you removed each office. The key hole should face outside, while the lock is on the inside. Make sure to tighten the screws plenty to secure the door handles into place.

Remove and Supervene upon the Sometime Strike Plate

Even though the old strike plate volition probably work with your new lock, information technology's meliorate to apply the strike plate that came with your new lockset. Remove the erstwhile strike plate and install the new i.

Test the Door Locks

When you end, test your door and the locks. Open up and close the door several times to make sure the latch is settling nicely into the strike plate each time. Make sure the lock and keys work properly.


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